I saw flowers, pretty flowers they were.
Through the blanket of snow,
their colors bring vibrant beauty,
and loving thoughts to my soul.
The flowers were shy, they were.
Poking bud by bud, petal by petal,
their grace spoke meaningfully
and touched my hands.
They captured the tears, the flowers, they did.
Every empty feeling inside,
every tear of blame, and feeling so ashamed,
they embraced what emotion I had.
They taught me, the flowers, they did.
A lesson of looks deceiving;
they were a beacon of comfort,
but some had thorns that stung the heart,
but could hardly be seen underneath a veil of many colors.
The flowers were beautiful, the flowers they were,
and they adorned my head gently,
and reminded me of a time of innocence,
as if my head was being gently stroked
and the flowers' fragrance, relaxing,
and their dance in the gentle breeze,
as if a lullaby for a bustling mind as mine.
They grew around me, and I closed my eyes.
10 & 14 March 2016
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